Managing Unicorn Workers with Monit

A walkthrough on how to manage Unicorn worker processes using Monit

Riding Unicorns

For many reasons I like using Unicorn as a web server for Ruby apps. Ryan Tomayko wrote a great article and the many Unix features that it has. It has the killer feature of supporting hot restarts so you can deploy new releases with zero downtime. This means that in most cases you can deploy as often as you want and end users won’t even notice.

More power == more responsibility

With all of the great stuff that comes with Unicorn there is more configuration to do. This is the point at which the less intrepid opt for Passenger, that to be fair is stil a good option. But if you want a web server that uses great features of Unix and enables hot restarts you should persevere.

For Unicorn you need to set up a reverse proxy with nginx. I’ve written before about how to do that if you need a steer. You’ll also need to use upstart or script in /etc/init.d/ to manage Unicorn. There are a few scripts around on the web. I’ve posted the one that I use up as a gist on Github. You can then use something like this in your capistrano recipes to do a hot restart.

namespace :deploy do
  task :restart do
    sudo "/etc/init.d/unicorn upgrade"

This sends a USR2 signal to the Unicorn master process to upgrade itself. It will create a new master process and then switch over when it is ready. See - zero downtime!

Up the workers

The Unicorn master process looks after workers and will reap workers that die from broken apps. In my scenario I was working on a memory constrained box and I wanted to make sure that workers did not consume too much memory. I like to use Monit to monitor processes. You can also use god or bluepill but I’ve found these tools consume much more memory that Monit. Call me old fashioned but I like to use Unix tools if they are available over Ruby.

So I want to monitor the Unicorn workers that are a child processes of the master Unicorn process. Bluepill supports monitoring child processes but it turns out this is easy enough to do with Monit.

Unicorn’s config file has an after_fork method that allows you to write out the pid of a worker. Here’s how

after_fork do |server, worker|
  defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) && ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection
  child_pid = server.config[:pid].sub('.pid', ".#{}.pid")
  system("echo #{} > #{child_pid}")

If you want to see my full unicorn.conf it is here. This will write out the pid of each worker /tmp/pids/unicorn.[pid_id].pid, so now we can use Monit to watch it.

Adding in Monit

Now that we have the pids of workers and an init.d script that can manage workers too (see kill_worker) we can use Monit to keep everything in check. The only downside is that you need to tell Monit about each worker process that you have. If you are spawning and reaping Unicorn workers dynamically with TTIN and TTOU this probably isn’t going to work for you. But if the numbers of workers are fixed you are good.

check process unicorn_worker_0
    with pidfile /path/to/your/app/shared/pids/
    start program = "/bin/cat /dev/null"
    stop program = "/etc/init.d/unicorn kill_worker 0"
    if mem is greater than 175.0 MB for 1 cycles then restart
    if cpu is greater than 22% for 2 cycles then alert
    if cpu is greater than 25% for 1 cycles then restart

Monit will watch the worker for memory growth and kill it off if it consumes too much. The unicorn master will spawn a new worker when it is killed so it is a neat solution to keep things running.

Much of this article was derived from Andrew Grim’s article ‘Where Unicorns go to die: Watching unicorn workers with monit’, so thanks to Andrew for the pointers.


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See Also