IE6 not going anywhere soon
I've been monitoring browser statistics on clients over the last few months in order to understand the effects of the IE7 forced update by Microsoft. Among corporate clients it doesn't seem to have had much effect and IE6 looks set to be around for a while.
The Sample ¶
To perform the analysis I took data from two well know City of London firms. I wanted to assess IE6 usage within the corporate sector. I used Google analytics to complete this analysis. I wanted to see the effect of the Microsoft auto update to IE7 on February 12th was. Admittedly this a very small sample but I know that site visitors come from corporate environments. For this blog around 31% of visitors use IE and of that only 35% use IE6. I know that is not indicative of most of my clients so hence the analysis.
Findings ¶
Firstly Internet Explorer is the dominant browser in the corporate environment. For the three month period IE dominates with around 88% of the market. This was much higher than I had expected.

Secondly Internet Explorer 6 accounts for around half of the visitors. In three months IE6 has dropped from 53% to 49% and this has switched straight to IE7 which has risen from 35% to 39%.

Conclusion ¶
For corporate clients at least it seems that IE6 is going to be with us for a while. For this sample it seems that the forced update of IE7 has had no noticeable effect on browser usage. The 4% shift to IE7 can probably be accounted for from upgrades to Vista. For corporate clients it seems we will need to continue supporting IE6 for a while yet. I wonder what other people’s experience of the results of the forced update are?
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See Also
Microsoft and IE8 default behaviour
Microsoft has changed its mind about the proposal to use a meta tag to trigger IE8 to use the standards rendering mode. -
IE8 - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
The news that IE8 is considering using meta tags to determine rendering modes is a bad idea from everyone's perspective and Microsoft should reconsider. -
Opera's Antitrust Action With Microsoft
Opera have filed an antitrust complaint with the European Commission stating that Microsoft is abusing its market position by selling the Windows operating system together with its Internet Explorer browser.