Getting started with Kubernetes
How to get started with using Kubernetes on a local machine using minikube
Over the last few weeks I have been learning Kubernetes. Here is how I got set up and started learning.
To experiment with Kubernetes I used minikube to run a local cluster. This has dependencies of virtualbox and kubectl.
On Arch Linux minkube and kubectl may be installed from the AUR. Virtualbox is available in the core Arch Linux repositories. Once installed a Kubernetes cluster can be started as follows.
minikube start
Starting local Kubernetes cluster...
Kubectl is now configured to use the cluster.
Note that this can take some time to complete. Once complete some information can be gathered about the cluster.
kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at
KubeDNS is running at
kubernetes-dashboard is running at
Kubernetes ships with a dashboard that can be viewed as follows
minikube dashboard
Whilst it is possible to manage and deploy applications through the dashboard I prefer the command line! Nevertheless the dashboard is useful to visualise quickly what you have and it would be useful for teams to serve as a dashboard.

Deploying an image ¶
Now the cluster is running an image can be deployed into it. I used a Hello World web server written in Go that I had already created and pushed into the public registry.
Deploy an image ¶
kubectl run hello-go --image=shapeshed/hello-go --port=8000
Expose the deployment ¶
kubectl expose deployment hello-go --type=NodePort
Get the status of the pod ¶
kubectl get pod
hello-go-772128995-1x5wj 1/1 Running 0 12m
Discover the URL of the service ¶
minikube service hello-go --url
Visiting the URL serves the application through Kubernetes.

Summary ¶
Getting Kubernetes up and running on Arch Linux was really straightforward and I found the documentation to be fantastic. I now have an environment where I can experiment with exploring more of what Kubernetes can do.
Further reading ¶
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See Also
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