Free icon set - Quant
Icon design is something I have wanted to explore for a while. Today I'm releasing a free black and white icon set, the first of many I hope.
The Set ¶
The set is available in gif format (filesize is smaller than png for two tone images). There are two sizes 36x36 pixels and 16x16 pixels. It is free for non commercial use and free for commercial use if you place a link back to this site.

This is a simple set to get things going. No Web 2.0 gloss here, just simple, readable iconography.
Download Quant Icon Set here (Zip file, 72k)
Why Quant? ¶
Mary Quant is a British fashion designer at the forefront of the Swinging Sixties scene in the UK. She used black and white heavily, so in honour of her inspiring design this set gets her name.
Licensing ¶
These icons are licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 License.
If you wish to use these icons in a commercial environment please post a link back to
You may not resell these icons.
If you wish to use these icons in a commercial environment and do not want to post a link back please email for licensing information.
Comments ¶
Comments for this set would be much appreciated. If you decide to use any of the icons please leave a comment below.
Can you help make this article better? You can edit it here and send me a pull request.
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